Mauricio O. Muñiz-Luciano
Chair of Securities Litigation & Enforcement Practice
E-mail: mmuniz@mpmlawpr.com
Tel: 787.705.2172
Mauricio O. Muñiz-Luciano is a founding member of the Firm. He has over 15 years of experience in commercial litigation and counseling of clients. His practice includes litigation and counseling of issues related to antitrust, intellectual property, distribution and franchising law, securities litigation, and general commercial law in state and federal courts, as well as arbitration and administrative proceedings.
In the area of antitrust law, Mauricio has represented and defended clients in class actions, multi district litigation, and other antitrust litigations before the federal and state courts. He has also represented clients in investigations before the relevant state and federal agencies.
In the area of intellectual property, he advises clients regarding the registration, protection and enforcement of trademarks and service marks in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Puerto Rico. He has also successfully litigated intellectual property cases before the federal and state courts, as well as the USPTO and the United States International Trade Commission.
In the area of securities litigation, Mauricio has represented clients before the state and federal courts, including class actions and derivative suits. He has also successfully represented broker-dealers in multiple arbitrations filed before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). In addition, Mauricio has represented clients in investigations and enforcement matters before FINRA and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).
From 2005 to 2015, Mauricio was appointed by the Puerto Rico Supreme Court to serve as a grader of the Puerto Rico Bar Exam.
Mauricio holds a Bachelor Degree in Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology, a Juris Doctor from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, School of Law, and an LLM in Trade Regulation, specialized in Antitrust and Competition policy, from the New York University, School of Law.